ISEL’s international faculty development program ‘Tech-Forward Teaching: Empowering Educators, Empowering Minds’ aims to offer interactions among teachers and domain experts on advanced pedagogical methods and technology to enhance learning experiences in driving Education 4.0.
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, embracing technology is paramount to fostering engaging and effective learning experiences. This international FDP is designed to equip educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to harness the power of technology in their teaching practices, ultimately empowering them to unlock the full potential of their students’ minds.
Through a combination of interactive workshops, collaborative discussions, and hands-on training sessions, participants will explore innovative pedagogical approaches, leverage cutting-edge digital tools, and discover strategies to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment.
This virtual FDP will present an incredible opportunity for the participants to interact with experts from eminent educational institutes and corporations. Participants will also be given opportunities to share their knowledge and experiences with their fellow participants.
During this international FDP, there will be expert sessions covering:
- Impact of AI on education
- Creative use of AI to achieve better results
- Apps for educators
- Do’s and don’ts of using technology in education
- Case studies on integration of technology in education
- AI/Technology and Textbooks
- Smart learning environments / Technology-based learning environments
- Open educational resources
- Policy issues on technology in education
The FDP will be held on the Zoom platform.
Teachers, researchers, educationists, policymakers, working professionals, and students from any discipline can attend this international faculty development program.
The FDP registration fee is INR 1500. The fee includes participation in all sessions and a certificate of participation.
The FDP participants will be awarded e-certificates of participation on successful participation in all the sessions.
For any queries, please email us at isel.education@gmail.com.